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Non-Profit Web Design Tips BlogWordPress tips

Non-Profit Web Design Tips

Need non-profit web design tips? Whether you are starting a new non-profit or want to upgrade your current non-profit's website, you've come to the right place. We will explore some of the best ideas for building your perfect non-profit WordPress website. Review Your Purpose Most non-profits spend well-deserved time developing…
July 7, 2021
COVID 5 Tips for small businesses
5 Tips
for Small Businesses
Digital Marketing During the Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19)

5 Tips
for Small Businesses
Digital Marketing During the Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19)

COVID-19 When Business is Not "As Usual" Marketing tips for your small business may be the last thing on your mind during the COVID-19 pandemic. This blog post was inspired by clients and friends who are fellow small business owners braving uncharted waters around keeping their businesses afloat now. This…
March 24, 2020
favicon missing wordpress
My Favicon is Gone! BlogWordPress tips

My Favicon is Gone!

I recently noticed when completing my client's maintenance tasks that several website's favicons were no longer showing up in my Chrome browser. What is a favicon? It's that little icon that represents your website's identity that appears on your web browser’s tab. For example, here’s what our favicon looks like…
June 3, 2019